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1.Zhifei Dai, Editor, Advances in Nanotheranostics (Volume I and II), Springer, 2016).


3.Zhifei Dai,“Nannoassembled smart hollow capsules”, in ‘Recent Research Developments in Physical Chemistry: Surfaces and Interfaces of Nanostructured Systems’, Transworld Research Network, 2007.

4.戴志飞,王金锐,刘吉斌,“第一章 超声造影剂理化基础”,《超声造影显像》,科学技术文献出版社,刘吉斌主编,2010,北京。

5.Xiuli Yue and Zhifei Dai, “Chapter 19, Carbon Nanotube-Based Cholinesterase Biosensors for the Detection of Pesticides”, in “New Perspectives in Biosensors Technology and Applications”, ISBN 978-953-307-448-1, Edited by: Pier Andrea Serra, Publisher: InTech, July 2011.

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