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2015年10月30日下午2点德国马普胶体与界面研究所Helmuth Möhwald教授学术报告

发布日期:2015-10-29 11:43:32

题目From Organic Monolayers to Functional Microapsules

报告人:Helmuth Möhwald教授

时 间:2015年10月30日 (周五)下午2点


Much has been learnt in recent years to study and control the structure of organic molecules at interfaces, and an especially interesting interface has been that of liquids, because they enable the movement of molecules while ordering and exhibit no ordered substrate interactions. This will be briefly reviewed, making use of new techniques like grazing incidence diffraction , optical microscopy and FTIR spectroscopy. Here the systems range from simple amphiphile monolayers to biologically relevant molecules like phospholipids and peptides.

With the knowledge on organic monolayers one can build up organized films, and one of the most versatile techniques is that of building multilayers by consecutive adsorption of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes. This technique can be extended to coat colloids, and after core removal one obtains microcapsules with walls defined with nm precision. The permeability and the mechanics of these shells can be manipulated in a controlled way by external fields, pH, salt and temperature, and this can be made use of in many applications. We will specifically concentrate on applications as self-repairing coatings as well as light induced release to study immune response.

By ultrasonic treatment a surface can be structured that it is nanoporous  and thus provides strong adhesion for organic films. The technique is applicable to many different inorganic surfaces including hard ones as TiO2, and at the same step also drugs can be inserted. This then leads to inorganic surfaces containing biologically active molecules that can be designed to control the interaction with adjacent cells. Examples on this to be presented are antibacterial coatings and surfaces to stimulate the growth of osteoblasts by controlled release of growth factors.



Helmuth Möhwald教授是德国马普胶体与界面研究所前所长(1993-2006),该所的重要创始人,担任(或曾担任过)欧洲胶体与界面学会主席、德国胶体协会主席以及多个国际著名期刊的主编和编委。在Science,Angew Chem,JACS,PNAS,Adv Mater,Nano Lett等国际著名期刊上发表论文超过970篇,SCI引用超过4.3万次,H-因子为101,是世界上他引频率最高的科学家之一。

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